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Kind Words

“I met some of the team at Sydney’s MindBodySpirit Festival, and right away, I felt I had to go to their men’s retreat.
The location of the retreat blew my mind. I haven’t experienced such a place, so abundant in nature, so green, so well thought and with such a nice feel.

I felt connected to everybody, to the facilitator, and to each of the men in the group.
The experience was transformational. It was powerful and emotional. I felt included. I was able to be vulnerable and connect to deep feelings.

I’ve been working on mySelf (seeking) for a while, and this experience helped consolidate what I have been through while at the same time encouraging me to go further and deeper.

I learnt a few more tools and areas to explore. And I met fellow men I can relate to, who are also on a similar path.
If you are exploring the idea of a retreat where you can experience transformation guided by truly experienced facilitators, I highly recommend Prana Estate’s Men retreat.”

Johnny – Reprogram Retreat

“Thanks for a great weekend. You guys have truly played a massive part in helping me transform my life, so thank you.”

Nathan – Reprogram Retreat

“I joined the retreat to learn skills for life, for their ups and downs. What I discovered was a deep profound love & respect that I have for myself. I found forgiveness, love & gratitude for myself that I haven’t felt in a long time. Now that I have seen this, it has changed the way I see myself and the world forever.”

Oliver – Reprogram Retreat

“What has been so special is the group of guys that I’ve been able to connect with on a beautiful deep level. Between the facilitators and the guys, we created a space where each of us were able to be vulnerable. It’s been nice to slow down, connect with myself, my body and the other men. The most important thing for me, was my connection to  self.”

Sam – Reprogram Retreat

“We attended one of the women’s only retreats organised by Prana Estate Retreats and it was centred around self-growth, empowerment and you could really take as little or as much from each session and the schedule of the weekend as you like. This would be an ideal retreat of choice for those who are actively trying to do self development, tune in with their mental health and driven to make subconscious changes and implement a healthy routine.

The schedule had enough structure for people to know what was going on each day but enough fluidity to take things at your own pace. With most activities centred around slow movement, mental health and mind work you leave the retreat feeling very reflective, asking new questions and a sense of clarity.”

The Good Index – Breathe Retreat

“I suffered from migraines since I was the age of 15. I struggled to the point where they stopped me from enjoying everyday life, such as going out with my friends to cafes, movies etc.

I would panic I was going to get a migraine (which I usually did), so I would just stayed home. I would end up in bed for days, my head pounding, I would be violently unwell and became depressed. Over the years I tried many treatments and many drugs, but nothing worked. I then met Camilla through my daughter and she told me about Emotion Code. Camilla explained to me about what she did and I figured, what have I go to loose?!

She unblocked emotions that were stored inside me. I didn’t think much of it after she did her magic, but I started to notice that my migraines were becoming less and less frequent, to the point where they disappeared. My life has completely changed. I’m not afraid to go out and enjoy life anymore 😀

I recommend Camilla and giving The Emotion Code a go, you won’t be sorry you did – it will completely change your life, like it did mine. Thank you Camilla.”

Chrissy – The Emotion Code