about prana estate wellness


“The most important relationship, is the one you have with yourself.”

As women, we’ve grown up with a set of societal expectations placed upon us from an early age. We’re taught that in order to achieve success, we must complete our education, secure a stable job, find a partner, get married, have children and balance it all with a career.

We strive to meet these expectations and often succeed, but at what cost?

We push ourselves to the brink of exhaustion, neglecting our own needs and desires. We work long hours, pouring all of our energy into our jobs and families, leaving nothing left for ourselves, let alone carving out time in the day to connect with our partner. When we finally collapse into bed at night, we obsess over our to-do lists and worry about what tomorrow will bring. It’s a constant cycle of striving and struggling, and all too often, we forget to take care of ourselves in the process.


Camilla Sellars

and I understand this firsthand, as I spent more than 23 years in the corporate world, working in high-stress roles that left me feeling burnt out and unfulfilled.

It all came to a head during a family holiday in Bali in 2019, when I had my ‘dark night of the soul’, a.k.a my ‘breakthrough’ – a moment of clarity that showed me just how much I had been neglecting my own wellbeing.

After Bali, I began to treat myself with the love and kindness I deserved. I made a promise to myself that I would no longer neglect my own mental and physical wellbeing. I started a new self-care routine that included weekly dinners out, meditation, yoga, and long walks.


my husband stepped up and took over the family and household chores, whilst working full time himself. He supported me the best way he could, by giving me the space and time that I needed, to allow me to heal, without the need to worry about anything within the family unit. It was daunting but liberating to put myself first, to go deep within to rediscover parts of myself that I had lost over the years. I tried to let go of any guilt or shame that I had previously associated with taking time for myself and instead, embraced the power that came with reclaiming my own life.

This is an all-too-familiar cycle for many women who are constantly giving themselves to others, and leaving themselves last. It’s time to break free from this exhausting and unsustainable pattern and start to take back our lives, through small but meaningful acts of love and self-care.

The purpose of Prana Estate Wellness is to provide a haven for individuals who require respite from societal expectations, incessant to-do lists, and daily commitments to prioritise their own well-being. This sanctuary can be found in various forms, such as participating in a Prana Estate Wellness Retreat, receiving personalised 1:1 breathwork and somatic healing sessions, or engaging in a personalised, transformative life coaching program.

My ultimate aim is to assist in creating a new way of life, one that enriches the mind, body, and soul, while also providing practical tools and techniques to foster a more balanced, sustained, and gratifying existence.


Welcome You

to reflect on your life today and honestly consider if there are any aspects that no longer bring value and growth to your being. Is there something you are holding onto that doesn’t align with your soul’s purpose and needs to change?

If the answer is yes, I encourage you to reach out to me. Together, we can embark on a journey of transformation to create a life that resonates deeply with your true self and leads you towards greater fulfilment and happiness.


Resource Library

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meditation and breathwork resource library